Sound Domain’s brand is built on a team of people with sound knowledge, experience and talent. We are able to cope with the most difficult tasks and you can always rely on us.
The customer feels safe with us, in good hands, and does not leave disappointed.
sound designer for over 30 years in the film and television industry with experience on set, in post-production and with sound composition. Company director
sound designer, specialising in cleaning, pre-mixing and mastering
Our background
We are a combination of graduates of the Sound Engineering Department of the Academy of Music and musicians for whom sound is the best way to express thoughts and emotions. With our knowledge and experience, we support the directors’ vision for sound in film.
Rosa - song for the closing credits of the film "Catalina", dir. D. Hasanovic, comp. J. Napieralska
Whispers of Souls - song from the film "So Close, So Far", dir. by M. Dutkiewicz, comp. J. Napieralska
Lullaby For The Ancestors - song from the film "Nawigacja sztuki", dir. by reż. K. Tchórzewski, comp. J. Napieralska